Qatar Cyclists Center organizes various competitions

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مركز دراجي قطر ينظم مسابقات متنوعة

The competition aimed to achieve the greatest benefit and make sports a way of life.

Qatar Cyclists Center of the Ministry of Culture and Sports organized two competitions during the holy month of Ramadan to urge members of society to exercise during the holy month to achieve the greatest benefit and make sports a way of life.

The first competition, entitled "The Longest Distance Traveled", was launched on the first day of Ramadan and will continue until the 23rd of the holy month. Qatar Cyclists Center to allocate large financial prizes to the winners.

The second competition, entitled "Losing Weight", with the participation of a large group, aims to use the bicycle as an alternative solution to lose weight from medical means. Qatar Cyclists Center financial prizes for the winners at the end of the competition for the most weight loss during the month of Ramadan.

Dr. Abdul Aziz Jaham Al Kuwari, Director of the Qatar Cyclists Center, stressed that the aim of organizing two competitions in the holy month of Ramadan is to spread the culture of sports in general and cycling and to encourage increased sports activity during the holy month and not to abandon it, maintain the physical fitness of cyclists and encourage the spirit of competition and teamwork.

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